Pets/Acrylic on Canvas

Frankie with Pearl Earring. Your pet painted in famous painting, $1500

I love to paint acrylic on canvas. The color never fails and with airbrush, I can get a pretty realistic look. You might notice that my realism has a few “flaws”, I have to dance with it or it doesn’t feel right. Sometimes I scrub over the painting until it bleeds, but in the end we come out of the studio happy.

A commissioned painting of this size is an investment. If you would like me to paint your little Sweetheart or big Sweetheart this way, please contact me. I will then want to hear all about your lucky friend and some pictures are good if you have them. If you live in the southern MN area, we could arrange to meet as well. Character in an animal doesn’t always come across in a photo and it always helps to know my model. In the event of a pet who has passed, I can still work from what you have but will need a lot of information. No matter, it can be done. All photos can be sent via email and I have actually worked from phone message photos too. It’s no problem.

Of course if you know what you want, THE STORE Here you can pick out the available format and payment

Gracie, 14″ x 26″. $500

25″ x 30″ $700

Best Friends, 3′ x 5′, $2000

20″x30″ $600