Giclee print, 17″ x 11″ of watercolor
Giclee print, 17″ x 11″ of watercolor. This also can be printed and framed by Society6
Hare Bells
Long ago the pixies declared war on the faeries, and in one terrible battle, the faeries were defeated. They flew from the fields in a panic. but three little faeries with crippled wings were left behind. In terror, they raced toward a sheltering patch of brush, with the pixies in quick pursuit. Just as they reached the brush, a hare scampered out and told them to leap on his back. Speeding away, he carried the three faeries to safety. And in gratitude, the Faerie Queen planted the fields with flower bells, so that they might ring a warning whenever danger threatened any hare. And from that day, the flower has been known
as “harebell”.
1 in stock
Giclee print, 17″ x 11″ of watercolor
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